Today was a big day for Henry Innes. Today, the first query letters and writing samples were sent to four carefully-selected literary agents. This begins the process of finding a publisher for The Adventures of Henry Innes.
I plan to send queries throughout the summer, but only to 4-5 agents at a time. If a query gets rejected, I'll send another. This will be best, since you can take your time and make sure you've put together each proposal properly. Every literary agency has its own particular submission protocols, and in submitting queries (as in all applications), adhering to the requested format is key. It means you can follow instructions, and would be easy to work with, if nothing else. All of the agents I am shopping my queries to are members of the Association of Author's Representatives (AAR), which is a literary agents' professional association in the U.S. guaranteeing basic ethical standards for the industry. Of course, if an agent wants to have an exclusive look at the books, I will grant them sole view of the manuscripts for 6-8 weeks.
I had considered expanding my search for an agent to the U.K., but I'm holding off on that, for now. Financially, that may not be the best option. From a strictly business point-of-view, at this stage, it makes more sense to work with an agent based in the U.S., negotiating international rights in due course.
Fingers crossed, then. I have put together very polished, well-edited manuscripts, but there is always a little element of luck in these things.